Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I got a text from my buddy James Stacher last night around 11:30pm. "Will you come take my picture tonight I'm at Dumont Burger", (a place that he delivers for.)
I was actually at home getting a bit stir crazy so sure! I grabbed my camera a flask with some whisky and Mary, to go have a midnight snow photo hunt. I got the film developed today, here's how the night went.

I ran into Santiago on the way to meet James, as he was just leaving to go home. 
This guy is a character and it shows. Super sweet guy, stay tuned I am going to shoot his "nice bike" soon.

 This is James, we might recognize him from party's in NYC, he's a awesome D.J.!
We met up for a burger and a hot tottie at his work and started to walk up the block.

 We continued down the block scouting for some nice texture, James was a trooper jumping into 18'' of fresh snow. We both agreed this was the best of the night. Check out this link to a party he plays monthly at Tandem. http://soundcloud.com/jamesmulry/prat-jan2010 If your interested in him D.J.ING your party or event hit him up jamesmurly@gmail.com

 On the way to the train from the meet up, Mary and I were both pretty cold and buzzed by this point. Cars were trapped, today they are just starting to be dug out.

The snow plows came by on some of the main streets covering everything in it's tracks including what's left of this bike. It snowed 16'' in less than 24 hours with 20-30 mph winds. These guys we out there delivering your food. 

Random nights can be some of the most fun! Thanks again for hitting me up James!

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