Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Random Interactions

I'm always riding around the city and running into cool people, some I know and some it's my first time meeting them.  I always have some sort of camera on me for these run in's.
Click on photo to enjoy full size.

When buying your first fixed gear please don't try and replicate the Flying Scotsman.
The Cannondale track gang was in Affinity last week.
Pretty rad if you ask me, I recently joined the gang more on that later.
Met a couple guys that were newer to the game but super nice and humble. Something that is a rare quality to have these days!
This kid rode bmx for a long time but dew to a recent injury picked up a fixed gear.
These guys hang at Union Square, if you see them stop by and say hi!

With the nicer weather in NYC the cycling tourist are back, what better way to enjoy the city than on a bike. While they will cut you off then ask for directions they truly mean well.
Ran into Patrick and one of his many beautiful bikes on my way to get a back rub.

Another one of these popped up in SOHO last week.

Some random interaction that I did not expect but was happy to have with a camera on me.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Graffiti Friday

This weeks Graffiti Friday theme is delivery trucks. I ride my bike for work 5 days a week and very often on the weekend as well so I'm all over the city and run into the freshly painted delivery trucks. Some burn for years, more often than not they get dissed so I try my best to chase them down hoping to get a fresh flick using my Iphone film point n shoot or SLR or whatever else I have on me at the time. While trains are long gone we still have freights and delivery trucks. On a side note I will be posting most of my graffiti and street art content over at Goodies Magazine but I have decided to keep Graffiti Fridays for my bike friends that paint or are just down for the cause.

As always click on image to enjoy full size. 

 JA not down to get buffed
 Curve coming through with some wild style

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nitty Gritty

I do enjoy taking beautiful portraits of both the rider and their bicycle, sometimes you just have to get down to the nitty gritty. Below are some details of city gritty bikes along with some gritty portraits to mix it up a bit. In my eyes some ugly things are very beautiful.
Click on image to enjoy full size.

Proof that in NYC in order for anything to not get stolen you really have to chain it up. Your still lucky if its there in the A.M.

My friend mike who delivers for Mamas food shop.

This pile is down the block from me, it recently was removed from the city and is now starting to come back.
The ever graceful and gritty Johnny Coast and his wonderful dog, we were going on a spin last summer to check out his and Seth Rosco's workshop last summer.

Pretty awesome.
Magic Man knows whats up.
When you ride your rim after getting a flat filming for MASH your name is Rob Salimo and you need to build a new wheel.
Custom pursuit bars MTB bar ends meets cut down cruiser bars will plenty of spacers.
 The dollar dumpling house next to the polo courts in NYC. The Philly guys were in town on there way up to Boston for a tournament.

While working on a production job we went to pick up some lighting equipment and I was pumped to see this hanging from the ceiling. 

One guess what this guys favorite music is? Every detailed matched accordingly.

Some details and bikes that have caught my eye that need some blog love as well.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Red Bull Ride & Style SF

I was invited to come out to S.F. for Red Bull's Ride & Style event last month. I'll be flying out the 28th and flying down to San Diego May 2nd for a special project. I'm really stoked to go bak to the bay, of course to race, but more importantly visit with people I've known for years, Time fly's! 
For more info on the Red Bull Ride & Style check the site out!
 I have a profile flick up on the track riders section that John Watson (Prolly) took of me before he left for Austin.Check him out here:

Can't wait to see everybody!

Really stoked to see James and Rob, I've known these guys 10 years. James you better have the turntables setup when I come out to Oakland! Rob we are going dumb!
Speaking of going dumb! Really stoked to see Emi, its been a couple years! He currently lives in S.D. I'll be hangn with him down there as well!

Golden Gate park is always full of characters and is good for people watching and photo opts.
In 07 I was in SF hanging out with friends as they worked on MASH
Gabe and I filmed a quick line for fun, pretty steep hill. I bunny hopped a storm drain at the top locked a whip skid at this point wheelie x up and at the bottom of the hill threw a no handed leg over. Demarco and I were debating wall riding this same spot after. He was the only person at the time who was down to thrash like this.
Really pumped to hang with Travis from Freight Baggage! I bought one of my first actual track bikes off of him. He is currently building me a custom bike travel case! Check out Freight here: 

Glad to hear your progressing and doing well man!

Here is a very classic messenger downtime hang out called 1 POST. I'll be lurking here for sure.
This is Fergus during the NACCCS SF  when you organize a national messenger event chances are you will get hella stressed and have a similar expression on your face. I hear that FERG DOG is channeling his love for bicycles and dedication to racing these days. Keep up the hard work man.
Rob Salimo,  its always good to catch up and quote MF.DOOM songs. Call me at my number
witch you haveeeeeee. For reference listen to this, we started quoting  this shit when it first came out at the Westside Invite.

Another SF chill spot is is the island, I bunny hopped the stairs in Macaframa. 

SF has a deep rooted love for the city and it shows in every way. See ya soon!

Friday, April 15, 2011


I recently was hit up by a new online magazine to write a column for Goodies Magazine. Check it out here: I will be posting more of my graffiti and street documentary content on Goodies and continue to post bike oriented content on Milk Money.
So stay tuned and be sure to check out Goodies.
Recently they met up with the SMART CREW to film a project, below is a teaser of whats to come along with some photos I shot of work I have ran into.
Check out SMART CREW here:

Smart Crew x from Goodies Magazine on Vimeo.